
Tuesday 13 January 2015

Assassins creed movie

With very little info around about the assassins creed movie starting Michael Fassbender I'm starting to get annoyed but a new release date has been released unofficial mid 2016 be it looks like they may not be following the games storyline as now instead of playing Desmond Miles he will now be playing someone called Michael Lynch a convicted criminal I'll post more when I have it 

Assassins creed rogue

Assassins creed rogue is one of the two latest the other being unity for ps4 and xbox one I have recently completed rogue and in my opinion it surpasses black flag although the game play is very much the same the storyline albeit shorter is none the less fantastic the graphics are much the same the ship battles control the same as black flag but the quantity of collectibles is insane and the map is the times the size of black flag plus as you are in north American there are icebergs you can blow up with your ship which is great you play Shay Cormac an Irish assassins working for Achilies Davenport who turns against the assassins to fight with the Templar order on his ship the morrigan all in all is give this game a solid 9 out of 10

Thursday 16 January 2014

Guest Post - Now You See Me

After some deliberation I decided to go to the secret unlimited card screening at cineworld and just hoped and prayed that the film would be worth it, I didn't want to go for anything less than a blockbuster as thanks to all the hype over the secret screening there was a lot of buzz. Waiting in the dark of the screen while being mildly entertained by one of the cinemas staff members and finally we get to see what we are watching and it turns out to be - Now You See Me.

A little bit let down by this, as I did want to see the film, but not on a special screening, so as the film isn't out until next week, I am not going to say too much about it. It is worth a watch and has some great moments in it, including a good twist at the end if not done badly. On that note, don't you just hate that, a brilliant twist in a film that should be a great big TaDa moment and they made in into a nhurgh one.

The cast are good, but somehow its not completely engrossing, something about the film is lacking that glue that really pulls you in, that makes you almost sit on the edge of your seat or that makes you hold your breath in anticipation. The film is completely watchable and it is enjoyable, but it is lacking something.

post written by Chrisitna

Guest Post - World War Z

With more zombie films and TV than I care to count at the moment, I was less than impressed with yet another zombie film when I first heard of it. I mean really what else can you do with zombies??

Really this is not all that different, the zombies are really really fast and can jump impossible distances, but the general theme of run away from them is still well in effect. Brad Pitt is effortless in this roll as he goes on a forced mission to find the start of the zombie outbreak in order to keep his family safe. The 3D is done well, its not all in your face, things flying into the audience, its very understated and just mostly used to give depth.  Another good thing is that instead of ridiculous fight scenes that are impossible, even for someone who has studied every martial art and combat form in the last thousand years, they are very gritty and realistic.

There are a few unexpected moments that make you jump (well they made me jump) but I would say that its not really worth all the hype. Don't get me wrong I really liked the film and I liked it a lot more than I expected to, but as usual the trailers make it look better than it is. Go watch it if you love Brad Pitt (because he is really good in it) Zombies and general mayhem. Don't watch it if you are expecting your socks blown off with excitement.

World War Z is out Now (UK)

Post written by Christina

Wednesday 15 January 2014

Movie of the week - Last Vegas

This weeks movie is the comedy Last Vegas staring 4 of the biggest names in movie history Robert De Niro (the godfather part 2, good fellas, limitless) Michael Douglas (Fatal attraction, war of the roses, wall street) Morgan freeman (Olympus has fallen, Red, The bucket list) Kevin Kline (Fierce creatures, a fish called Wanda, wild wild west)

The basic ins and out of the film is that four childhood friends have all grown old and Billy (Douglas) is getting married and wants to have a stag do with his friends in Las Vegas but an old rivalry with Paddy (De Niro) threatens to ruin the weekend so it's up to Archie (Freeman) and Sam (Kline) to try and save the day and with the help of Diana (Mary Steenburgen) it just might happen the film is acted fantastically and the writing was done superbly all in all the film was a superb mixture of great writing and acting and i would give it a cool 9/10 a funny fantastic interesting film with top rate acting

Back again

Yes that's right I'm back to blog another day did you miss me well I'll be running my usual blogs the movies games and songs of week well as well have album of the month and retro of the week we'll hope you look forward to my blogs catch you later

Wednesday 12 June 2013

Album of the week

Saints of Los Angeles the latest released album by the classic rock band Motley Crue the album has some of the best songs they have recorded on it this album was a bit heavier than their old stuff but we still love em I first heard the title song at download 2009 when i watched the crue live and let me tell you there's nothing like watching Tommy Lee knock back shots of Jagermeister with the front row anyway the album consists of 13 songs songs such as welcome to the machine, just another psycho, motherfucker of the year and of course saint of los angeles if ytour a fan of the crue then this is a must buy if you dont already have it all in all this album in my view gets a solid 9 out of 10 from me