
Thursday 16 January 2014

Guest Post - World War Z

With more zombie films and TV than I care to count at the moment, I was less than impressed with yet another zombie film when I first heard of it. I mean really what else can you do with zombies??

Really this is not all that different, the zombies are really really fast and can jump impossible distances, but the general theme of run away from them is still well in effect. Brad Pitt is effortless in this roll as he goes on a forced mission to find the start of the zombie outbreak in order to keep his family safe. The 3D is done well, its not all in your face, things flying into the audience, its very understated and just mostly used to give depth.  Another good thing is that instead of ridiculous fight scenes that are impossible, even for someone who has studied every martial art and combat form in the last thousand years, they are very gritty and realistic.

There are a few unexpected moments that make you jump (well they made me jump) but I would say that its not really worth all the hype. Don't get me wrong I really liked the film and I liked it a lot more than I expected to, but as usual the trailers make it look better than it is. Go watch it if you love Brad Pitt (because he is really good in it) Zombies and general mayhem. Don't watch it if you are expecting your socks blown off with excitement.

World War Z is out Now (UK)

Post written by Christina

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