
Monday 29 April 2013

Movie of the week

Now for the movie of the week I think I'm going to choose the hobbit i saw that the day it was released now i saw the trailers and hype for the film and I prepared myself for the reality that these films are never as good as the hype makes them out to be and then went to watch it well what a waste of time there was no need to prepare because the film was as amazing as they showed it to be no deception with this film which as any serious film buff will tell you is a rare treat but this time the managed to now give all the best bits away in the trailer but i have to say as a draw back is that the new frame rate in case anyone doesn't know about this to add to the realism of the movie they filmed it at double the frame rate to that the film moves quicker to give it a more real feel I wasn't a fan of this and I think it should have been done it the normal frame rate b ut that's just me overall the film was great excellent story and the acting was fantasic with Martin Freeman as the young Bilbo it was amazing and I found it more of a family film that the original lord if the rings films which is good for anyone with kids and I can't wait for the second one

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