
Wednesday 29 May 2013

Movie of the week

This weeks movie is back to the future an amazing gem from the 80's the basic story is that Marty Mcfly(Michael J Fox) and his mad scientist buddy Dr Emmet Brown (Christopher Lloyd)travel in rime in a time machine created by the doc he builds it into a Delorean car now aside from epic old 80's music and really awful fashion this is a great family film with well i suppose the acting was terrible but then it was the 80's and aside from getting very fed up of hearing the doc shout "great Scott" every five minutes it's still an awesome movie and i would suggest it to anyone I give this film a solid 7.5 out of 10

Monday 27 May 2013

The amazing spiderman 2

Sadly I have news that annoys me in 2012 they made a new spider man film a re-imagining if you will staring Andrew Garfield (The social network, Doctor who) as Peter Parker now I'm not saying Garfield or any of the cast of the film are bad actors in fact some great actors are in the film Emma Stone (Stupid crazy love, Easy A) Martin Sheen (Apocalypse now, Catch me if you can) Rhys Ifans (51st State, The replacements) so the cast is good just badly written the characters I found to lack a certain depth and chemistry and I didn't like the lizard in this film it's not that the lizard was badly done he was exactly like the old cartoon version I used to watch but Kurt Connors being a bad guy annoyed me a bit but overall I found the whole film boring and disappointing and now thy are making a second one so not expecting a great film there but I could be wrong the bad guys in the second one are going to be Electro and the Rhino so can't wait to see how that goes Electro shall be fairly cool looking but the Rhino will be interesting to see so well have to wait and see what it's like it's set for release 2nd May 2014

Friday 24 May 2013

Guest Post - When the Lights went out

When the lights went out is a British horror film, it is based (loosely I might add) upon a real life haunting in 70s Yorkshire and one that is considered to be the most violent in European history. The film stars Katy Ashfield(Shawn of the dead)

This film is just a British attempt at Paranormal Activity/The exorcist. As usual its not up to par with anything from Hollywood, and even the special effects could be better if it was actually made in the 70s. the acting was so so and the story happened far too quickly with gaping holes the size of continents. At least I wasn't let down by the fact that it was a bad British film, that's all we can make (discounting Harry Potter, cos they were epic).

I would say its worth a watch if you really are a paranormal buff, but otherwise give it a miss and watch something decent like poltergeist (there's a film that was done well)

Written by Christina

Wednesday 22 May 2013

The neXt box

Yes that's right the next generation Xbox has arrived and it looks as awesome as we thought it would be new graphics card making the graphics unbelievable and the voice control aspect has also been improved to be honest it's hard to find something they haven't improved well actually one thing is not good with the next Xbox and that's the backwards comparability for those who don't know what that is its the ability to play the old 360 on the new console they say you might be able to buy the old games on the xbox live

So what are the features well aside from the amazing graphics the kinect has been improved not including the voice control which they are using siri technology but also a 1080p camera in the thing to improve the player detection allowing you to actually turn on your xbox vocally but also when you are exercising the thing will actually keep track of your pulse I know awesome right

The controller will look much the same same layout as before the idea was to just improve the only real difference is they have tweaked the vibration to improve it slightly but hey why mess with something that works

Other than the new purpose built graphics card this monster of gaming offers a huge 500GB hard drive built in wifi an 8 core processor and is said to be able to handle 4 times more calculations per second it seems that these components were custom built to work well together include the custom made hard drive it also has 8GB of ram a blu ray drive and USB 3.0 making this an impressive machine

sadly the games wont be backward compatibly as i said but they are saying they will be bringing out 12 games in the first year
assassins creed 4 black flag
battlefield 4
call of duty ghosts
fifa 14
forza motor sport 5
madden NFL 25
NBA live 14
quantum break
watch dogs
and those are just the first years games

On line stuff
With built in wifi you'll be able to watch movies on line TV but also Skye will not be on the xbox so in sum up an impressive machine over all the price will apparently be £399

Tuesday 21 May 2013

Silent Hill Revelation

So where to begin with this huge steaming pile of movie. I think I'll begin with the main bad point which was that in this film they seem to make a decision about the film then tried to fit it in to the film sadly they failed. Personally I think a five year old with severe brain damage could achieve it better if he was dead. For starters I have seen better acting in a school play in a nursery. Sean Beans really awful American accent or at least an attempt at one was rather off putting. If that wasn't bad enough then explaining how she is no longer dead or in a different dimension was less plausible as it was laughable. The whole cult trying to pull her back to silent hill was a ridiculous grasp at a storyline and the original makers of the game would probably want to hurt the person who wrote this I know I want to. the creature design was at best so so the only decent creature was the mannequin woman thing but hey not really a movie saver in my view and a little tip revelation requires there to actually be a revelation this film should have been called revolution because they have twisted the original film into something unrecognisable. So to sum up only watch it if you have a necessity to shoot yourself in the face this complete turd of a movie will make it less pain full to die. 

A.F.I lifetime award goes to........

Now most people out there will have no clue who this guy is but the award has been given to a comedic legend called Mel Brooks who has made some of the funniest spoof movies ever made things such as Blazing saddles, Spaceballs, Robin Hood men in tights and Young Frankenstein he was born in Brooklyn in 1926 leaned to play drums as a young boy and after a short education and ww2 he played drums for a living until he broke into comedy and eventually comedy movies and is now one of the biggest names in the comedy industry and finally has been awarded so and so I say to Mel Brooks congratulations for all you have achieved

True Blood

For all you true blood fans out there good news series six has been confirmed for 16th June so more from the american town of Bon Temps enjoy

Monday 20 May 2013

Sleepy hollow series/once upon a time in wonderland

Yes that's right a series of sleepy hollow for those who haven't heard of it sleepy hollow was a Tim Burton film based on the American legend of the headless horseman the lead role of the movie was Johnny Depp playing the weird and quirky role of Ichabod Crane in the series the role will be played by Tom Mison which means he has some pretty big shoes to fill the only other notable people in the series that I have noticed are Richard Cetrone who has been a stunt performer for a lot of Joss Whedon films, Orlando Jones (The replacements and evolution) and John Cho (Harold and Kumar) the basic idea of the film was Ichabod Crane goes to sleepy hollow to solve the mystery of the headless horseman to prove it doesn't exist and from the trailer it looks like they may have raped the film but if your looking for your typical American action for action sake adaption then this series is for you but as they have only made one episode I don't hold out much hope for it I mean didn't they learn from the failing of the modern up take series of Beauty and the beast but I will definitely check the series out I mean if your a huge fan pf the original movie then maybe it's not for you but who knows it may turn out to be sensational but I don't think I'll hold my breath they seem to be trying to save on writing anything new lately by rehashing old legends and now they are trying to rehash a rehash by making a spin off of Once upon a time and it's called Once upon a time in wonderland which seems to be after Alice returns from wonderland gets banged up for being crazy but discovers she really isn't and gets dragged back down the frigging rabbit hole so could be good or it could be a load of rehashed crap but who knows right in my opinion they both look worth a try but I think out of the two the sleepy hollow one has a much better chance of not being awful but that's just my opinion


For any marvel fans out there a new series is starting some time in 2013 it's called agents of shield and well you can guess what it's about really obviously it's set before the avengers as agent Coulson is alive in it it's by Joss whedon who has impressive titles under his belt such as cabin in the woods, Buffy the vampire slayer,Angel and alien Resurrection so hopefully it should be a good show

Sunday 19 May 2013


For all doctor who fans and i mean real fans of the old series as well as the new ones then there is a book which covers 30 years of every ones most loved time traveller every little detail and I have checked out prices you can get it on amazon or e-bay for about 12 pounds and I am definitely getting this damn book

Doctor who

 yes yes I know sad or what but yes I love doctor who and having watching the new series kind of disappointed with it but still good series the new assistant Clara Oswald no Amy pond but awesome in her own way but the last episode was a bit of a mixed bag some good some bad not really Keen on Richard E Grant at the best of times but hey it also the great John Hurt as the doctor sounds interesting well you'll have to wait till November were its rumored that the final mystery will be revealed the big question that all who fans will want top see the final question doctor who?

Friday 17 May 2013

Fast and furious 6

I saw the trailer for this film and well were do I start I think ill start with its the same as the others really action for actions sake but what really pissed me off was a scene were they are trying to escape a tank and yeah I know tricked out cars running from a tank never mind the fastest tank I'm aware of goes tops of about 51 mph but forget that they hatch a plan to beat the tank the attach a chain to the turret gun attach the other end to a car throw it over the freeway the chain goes taut and flips the tank and well what the fuck do you know how much a tank weighs some were around 60 tons can anyone else say reality fuck its not possible you can't flip a tank  it just can't happen its just bullshit and really has put me of the film completely

Thursday 16 May 2013

Dredd failed

Okay that only lasted for about 40 minutes and I got really bored what the film misses in action it makes up in disappointment even Carl Urban its quite boring and I think he's an amazing actor in things like lord of the ring, ghost ship, star trek and red but I hated him in this film also a lack of other celebrities in the film was a bad point but in general it just lacks that pizaz that most good films have I would not suggest it to anyone I give it a pitiful minus 8 for extreme disappointment


Just sitting down to watch dredd technically I know its been out for quite a while but a remake of the laughable film judge dredd although we all had a good long laugh at it the film sad bad especially seeing Sylvester Stallone in spandex not a good sight at least it was a good kind of bad but if this remake is like the total recall remake it should be awful I'll let you know when I finish

Retro game

this weeks retro game is gonna be Final Fantasy 7 now for those of you not familiar with the series final fantasy is a series of role playing games now with exception of 10 and 13 they are stand alone games no sequels and are all fantastic but in my view number 7 was the best the one in my view sadly these kind of games seem to be going out but here's a run down of the game now what this game so popular was that it had so many plot twists now I'm not Gonna tell about them because it would ruin the game but in my opinion the characters are well designed they interact amazingly as I always say it the chemistry between the characters is what makes the game so good also an important thing is the bad guy and he Main villain of this game is a sadistic maniac called Sephiroth who is out to destroy the world but thats about right for a sadistic maniac you play the hero stopping him the basic game is quite simple battles are turn based and some boards require a strategy to beat my suggestion is to have one of your 3 characters only cure during difficult battles Sally three graphics aren't very good but if was released in 97 but I have plagued the game about 15 times and out never gets boring out of term I'd give three game a solid 10 out of ten although I feel I have to tell you all the rumors that they are remaking the game for new concepts its a fruitless lie sorry everyone

Album of the week

This was a tough one but after watching a top 100 chart from America I realised straight away there's only one album it could be and have chosen Slippery when wet and yes I know it sounds like a porno but it's actually a great album by the band Bon Jovi it has probably the greatest song ever on it Living on a prayer which almost everyone knows as it's the most famous they have done pretty much any Bon Jovi song you have heard from the 80's will be on this album so i would suggest it to anyone who likes rock
music it was named their best album ever went 12 times platinum and sold over 28 million copies worldwide and was number 1 for eight weeks on the billboard top 200 if you ask me 28 million people can't be wrong so I'd give this album a 9 out of ten and suggest you buy it

Movie of the week

Well always a difficult decision of the thousands of movie I have seen which is best this week think I will have to go with Sherlock Holmes the new movies both 1 and 2 have been amazing party because of the masterful cast Robert Downey Jr and Jude Law act as though they have been friends for a very long time it takes a great actor to give a sense of friendship to act as though they have deep personal feelings and they really sell it well in this film but also it's because the film is just written amazingly the dialogue doesn't seem to un real and the the plot is exciting and ensnaring the whole film is just fantastic I especially loved that  in this incarnation of the immortal Mr Holmes he's a lot more grittier than usual he's not such an upstanding fellow as usual and it make a change most Sherlock Holmes are all the same stuffed know it all and I love what they have done in this also the fact that Rachel McAdams is stunning helps not to mention the sinister style of Mark Strong as the evil Lord Blackwood is sensationaly I would have to give it a solid 9 out of 10 yes it's that good

Blade Runner

Part of what I wanna do with this blog is introduce some of the best films of the 80's and 90's to a younger audience and here's one of them it's the 80's sci fi film Blade runner it has all you want in a sci fi action guns violence robots nudity and a big star Harrison Ford (Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Cowboys and Aliens) the basic idea is that human looking machines called replicants who are not allowed on earth have hijacked a ship to meet their maker and as i said action violence and nudity ensue all in all a great film and i would suggest it in fact it gets a solid 8 out of ten

New episodes

Hey folks I come bearing great news that both Bones and Family guy have been picked up to make a new series so if your a fan of either then you can rest assured that your gonna see more

Thursday 9 May 2013

Star trek: Into darkness

Yes I watched it last night and wow what a film it was amazing I don't want to give anything away all I will say is it was very well written amazingly acted Benedict Cumberbatch was sensational as the infamous Khan when I first saw the trailer I was afraid it would show it to be better than it was as they almost always do but I gotta say it was better than I thought it was and I hope there will be another and the most important thing is it isn't just action for action sake but it also have it's funny moments just like the first one although I will say it's not a good as the first one but it's not far off out of ten I'd give it a solid 9 out of 10

Tuesday 7 May 2013


On the bank holiday me and my wife decided to go to the cinema and we watch Oblivion Tom cruises new film now it wasn't the most amazing movie ever made but I must say it was a good film the trailer doesn't give it all away the acting is good the storyline is very good and they don't just crap action for actions sake well no more than usual but I though it has a brilliant ending so all in all a film worth watching out of ten I'd give it a solid 6.5

Movie song of the week

And here we are again with the movie song of the week okay so for my song this week I'm going for a song called Run through the jungle by a band called Creedance clearwater revival it's a real awesome old swamp rock track and it's from the film Tropic thunder not an amazing film bit of a giggle but this song was one of the best things in the film but there you go

Saturday 4 May 2013

Assasins creed movie

I have been looking around on the net and I have found rumours of an assassins creed movie it's about altair so they are going to the beginning but so far all the info I can confirm well kind of confirm is that Michael Fassbender will be playing Altair if they make it that is but hey how awesome would that be an assassins creed movie the games are immense so the film would have t be pretty good but then they have screwed a few films made out of game the worst of the lot was a film they made of doom it blew so badly in fact it was a scientific impossibility in which that is both sucked an blew at the same time one might even say it was uber gay as hell but that is just my opinion but I'd love to know what you think please feel free to comment

Star trek :Into darkness

Now when I heard that they were remaking the old star trek series into a movie I was to put it lightly worried that they would kill a great series with to put it bluntly a shit film but even though I had serious doubt I decided I had to go watch it just to see well how wrong was I to be faced with not only an amazing star trek film but one of the best film I have ever seen in my life well wonderful news to my ears when a second film was announced an now after a lot of waiting it's almost here the sequel with Benedict Cumberbatch as the infamous bad guy Khan all in all looks like an amazing film but I doubt it will be as good as the first but here for hoping after seeing the film I'll blog my out of ten rating

And that is out Thursday the 9th of may or for the desperate to watch a midnight showing on the Wednesday just to let all my viewers know that times i give for midnight showings are for Newport in wales I don't know about cinemas any where else

Retro gamer

Every week I will publish a retro gamer post which will be me looking back over the last twenty years of my game experience and choosing a classic game to poet this weeks game is a really classic anyone under the age of about 25 probably will have no clue about this game it's an old snes classic it is the great paperboy for those who never played it the basic game was you are the paperboy your on a bike and you have to deliver the paper you throw them from your bike you need to get them into the mail slots but try not to break windows or you loose customers and you get chased by dogs hit obstacles and the whole game is a lot harder than it sounds out of ten I'd give it a solid 7.5

Need for speed

I have heard a lot of chatter on the net about a need for speed underground 3 and after a bit of searching have sadly discovered no evidence leading me to believe one has been commissioned but very hopeful that I am wrong as I think the undergrounds were the best need for speed games especially underground 2 anyone has any information on this matter I'd love to hear from you please comment on the post or email me thank you